Siddhartha Gautama The Buddha - 500 BC

Siddhartha Gautama The Buddha  - 500 BC
Siddhartha Gautama The Buddha - 500 BC India

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

( 3 ) OVERVIEW of the Class • Our Philosophy and The Nature of the New Student • Buddha the Rebel "Iconoclast"

Buddhist Meditation ~the power
of much more inner-silence


An Ongoing Study-Series for a more Radical Inner-Quest
and Deep Inquiry into 'Self' – thru Silent Sitting Meditation,
as you increasingly cultivate your own Dharma 'Informed' Mind.
*Anything you study or hear - has to make 'absolute' sense to specifically You,
. .or the 'realization' isn't Yours ... in Buddhism there is nothing to 'believe' in –
.....Buddhists don't do 'Belief'.

"In the stillness – space for a rebellious spirit "  ~ Noah Levine ~

___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm...

HERE's an Important OVERVIEW ~

please scroll & read very slowly ~slow is good~ there is more
about our views in other sections of this blog also: see sidebar


offers a very eclectic “Inquiry into Self” meditation sitting practice ~
combining the cool, calm sobriety and 'observation' approach of
traditional Vipassana Mindfulness Meditation – with the abrupt
'crazy wisdom' irrationality of Zen Non-Duality Realizations –
which can short-circuit even the most tenacious, obsessive
self-involved, self-absorbed, self-identified ego-mind. .
"The Meditative-Mind trains us to
undo blind-impulse 'reactivity' –
'Knowing' first, not just 'acting'.
Clarity of "Intent" is everything !" .
"One easily-made, very common mistake
is to think that 'your reality’ is THE Reality.
You must always be prepared to bravely

leave 'your' reality for a greater one." ~ Meeraji .

Our 'practice-group' encourages highly inquisitive, unruffled,
curious people with a natural, deep love of learning – who invite
and even relish the profoundly abstract, and even the absurd,
with a genuine taste for the indefinable 'existential' stuff. .
Or you may be a more 'experienced meditator' who is now seeking
a deeper questioning into the 'Idea of Self' - and a more de-mystifying,
open-minded, caring 'conversation' into Wisdom, Empathy and what is
Spiritual 'Reality' in our Western life-style today + poetry, and laughing!
Yet our modern, eclectic practice is informed by the unembellished,
ancient, traditional Theravada Buddha Dharma for clarity of view.
A Dharma-Study Series that offers a much more outside-the-box-Buddhism !
Rebellious, heart-filled 'heresy' for a more maverick spirited inner-quest - focused
on nourishing an iconoclast intelligence & compassionate critical thinking
with a tender, caring heart - thru some refreshing, risky, even 'radical' spiritual considerations of Absolute 'Reality' that opens us to the uncompromised truths
of our own process of developing a "Dharma 'informed' mind".
Monday Meditation Evenings Include:

INSTRUCTION & SITTING – 7:30pm ~ 9:30 pm
a 35-40 minute Silent Sitting Meditation on cushion or chair –
a Dharma Talk or Text Study with Q&A, Satsang or Discussion –
a Metta-style 'Loving-Kindness' meditation or Sacred Poetry
....or a mini-ritual to conclude at 9:30 pm –

Your individual, personal access to the teacher is easily available.
Nothing ever aloof here – just unconventional – Buddha was.....


Newcomers :: Please plan to come 15 minutes early at 7:15 pm
the first few times to meet with the teacher - for some
for the first couple of weeks.


.Everybody: please.. BE..M I N D F U L .of..TIME !!!
Sitting begins
at 7:30 pm prompt
~ much thanks


."Please Arrive On The Early Side of Your Nature"
– so you have generous time to settle-in & settle down

"True ‘generosity’ towards the Future -
is to give everything now - to the Present."
~ Camus

.NEWCOMERS / First-Timers
Beginners are very welcome!
You will be very, very patiently guided.
You are asked to inquire by phone first -
n’ let's see if this group is possibly even for you.
This Sitting & Study Group encourages highly inquisitive, progressive-minded people, with a natural, deep love of learning - who relish the abstract, and even the absurd –
and Buddhism is playful too. . ..
". . . ever notice, that it's Always NOW " .
~ Alan Watts suggests you repeatedly keep noticing this daily, breath by breath ... .
"Our deepest fears are like dragons
guarding our deepest treasure."

~ Rainier Rilke 1908 .
A Path with Heart.
Keep me away
the wisdom
which does not cry,
the philosophy
which does not laugh,
and the greatness
which does not bow
before little children
~ Kahlil Gibran.
“The Spiritual Warrior chooses
A Path with Heart and follows it.
He 'knows', because he 'sees' –
He sees that his life will be over
altogether too soon.

He really knows that nothing is more important
than any 'thing' else is. It all is important.

And then he rejoices and laughs.
A Path is only a 'path' - and there is no affront,

to oneself or to others, in dropping it -
if that is what your heart tells you.
Look at every path closely and deliberately.
Try it as many times as you think necessary.Then ask yourself, and yourself alone, one question –
“ Does this Path have a Heart? ”
If it does, the path is good - If it doesn't - It is of no use.”

The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge – Carlos Castaneda (1968).

. and just 'consider' . . . not accept or believe - just consider
"Even tho' the Buddhist Practice Path is really always all about a truly Uncompromised 'Awakening' –
either all at once – or as a gradual Awakening over time –
yet you certainly CAN do this !
. . . or WHY would The Buddha ever even have taught it ?
– If it couldn’t be done? Duh ?"

.~ Bhante Kassapa – Rockhill Hermitage, Sri Lanka
"Duh?" was learned from his years of teaching Westerners.

All Conscious Beings are essentially Buddhas.
As with water and ice, there is no ice without water.
Apart from Conscious Beings, there are no Buddhas.
Not knowing
how close the truth really, really is,
we struggle to seek it so far away ~
You yourself are 'Buddha-mind' !
Buddha is here
~ Hakuin Ekaku Zenji.
Empiricism + Altruism = Buddhism


Below is The Complete Buddhist Dharma Practice in two sentences:
" Let a Dharma-based Compassion
keep influencing your Wisdom ~
.and Let a Dharma-based Wisdom
keep informing your Compassion."

~ Bhante Ananda Maitreya

."The ICONOCLASTS" – the mavericks, innovators, rule-breakers,
heretics, rebels and ground shakers – an 'Iconoclastic-tone'
always flavored Buddhist Wisdom Practice.

ICON ~ an 'Icon' or 'Image'
and CLASTIC ~ 'To Break'

Definition: a 'view-opposing' to the ordinary accepted:
one who challenges or 'breaks-with' traditional 'beliefs',
entrenched customs, rituals, religious practices, icons,
dogma, Deity or old paradigms

To Break ( and to make new Paradigms ) It's more global now,
and maybe now the 'force' or a critical-mass of New Thought,
a healthy planetary mind-set or paradigm is pro-actively working.

So, here's an 'Old Image-Breaking' introduction-class to a
modern "Buddhism" that may turn-off some romantic seekers,
the spiritually-sensitive, or scare away & discourage others
~or~ maybe find a really ready-mind. .
REBEL SAINTS ~ Buddhism can be an Iconoclast's Path.

Within 'Buddhism' there are also gentler, softer, sweeter,
devotional pathways also... but let's get some of the 'hard' stuff
under our belts, first – the mellow will come on it's own. Buddha
was a heretic, a pioneering "Iconoclast": an Angelic Troublemaker. . ..
" Every community needs a group of angelic troublemakers " ...~ Bayard Rustin - a gay, black social activist & counsel to MLK during the 60's .


* more About The "Buddhism" Class and You  there is more about our 'views' scattered in other sections of this blog: see sidebar....


Buddhism Without Any 'Beliefs' whatsoever. Buddha was a total Iconoclast ~ A Quietly Joyous 'Radical',
a Quietly Maverick Ole' Monk ! ..."The Great Empiricist".
Our core-practice is solidly-informed by the earliest traditional
Pali Theravada Sutras to insure Buddha’s original Insight-Process –
without any cultural-beliefs or add-ons for a clean, 'un-decorated'
clarity of view – that is 2500 years old – plus some of Zen and
later Mahayana mind-altering contributions.
We keep it inclusive, yet profoundly simple. .
The "BUDDHISM" Class: What we offer is a 'Buddhist Classroom'
where you may continually refine your Beginner's Practice of
Silent Sitting Meditation with a clear-cut understanding of
'What IS Buddhist Philosophy?' or is it a Psychology?
– and 'What DID the Buddha actually teach?' We offer the opportunity to sit a deeper meditation with an

American Buddhist teacher, a former ordained Buddhist monk
who lived for years in Asia – and trained in this multitude of often
unfamiliar Eastern transformative practices. And why & how they
work within your very Being.


There are just a few 'seekers' already out there now who are ready
and really 'seeking' to do a much deeper questioning into the 'False-Belief '
in an abiding 'Self'. We offer a de-mystifying, open-minded, caring
'conversation' into Wisdom, Empathy and a Spiritual Reality
in our Western life-style - plus some poetry & laughing!

Already some Experience with meditation sitting-practice?
Meditators with already more consistent 'sitting experience' - or
some background in a teacher-led practice, actual retreats, etc -
are always welcome to come sit & join in with us at anytime.
Now may be an excellent opportunity to re-connect with a
group-sitting practice or to further develop your training
in the Dharma. You are always welcome to come and
do 'sittings' with us and join in the Dharma discussion
with us at anytime without any 'class commitments'.
This is also true for our Sangha-posse of
"Irregular-Regulars" who have previously
attended frequent meditation classes &
sittings on a regular basis in the past.
Some Lapsed Practice ? . . . .

So – come renew, refresh, review, reviveor
even challenge your current meditation practice –
or maybe you've been spiritualy hibernating ...
At an Impasse: Stagnated?
Stale? Stymied? Sleepy?
Stumped? Slumped? Stuck?

A really sincere, very real, good 'Practice Opportunity'
is to fully experience your 'resistences' while actually
sitting meditation. Now that's Practice ! The very best
way to ‘maintain’ real, progressive continuity of mindful
Insight Practice – is to be in stillness & silence with
silent group support - and the presence of a teacher.
You are always very welcome to come sit & join in
with us at anytime. Already some experience
with meditation ? Come on over.

And ~ please ask about The Core Study Group Nite.
Here's an Informal Deep Study Series offering a much more
way Outside-the-Box-Buddhism. Heart-filled 'heresy' for a
more Maverick Spirited Inner-Quest - nourishing your evolving
'Iconoclast Intelligence' & Compassionate Critical Thinking,
with a tender, caring heart – through some refreshing, yet even
'radical' spiritual 'new' considerations of Reality empathically
‘de-constructioned’ - as you cultivate your very own
Dharma 'Informed' Mind.
Core-Group is usually limited to more sitting-practiced students,
previous students who've attended here, or those few folks who've
got more of a mixed Dharma-background. .

" What is accepted by the majority of people ~
......does not mean it is Real " ...~ The Buddha .
The Buddhist Path to Freedom:
Breaking the 'Addiction' to the Mind

Buddhism is a path to freedom from suffering. That 'suffering' originates
in the 'addictive quality' of the mind - our habitual tendency to grasp & attach
to pleasure and push away pain. All addictions stem from these same roots.
.The Path offers a spiritual and psychological process of transformation
that has proven to be a most effective treatment for our human addiction
to thinking - and all the suffering we create with the mind. And Buddhist
meditation is the most potent tool we've found for recovering our original
wholeness or what is called 'Buddha Nature'.
.Buddhism is a way of life. The practices of meditation, ethical behavior and
compassionate engagement with the world are to be developed and lived in
everyday life. Buddhist meditation and Dharma discussions focus on the
application of mindfulness and compassion in everyday circumstances.
Freedom is not a mystical destination, it is a moment-to-moment choice
of how we respond to our own lives in this world.
.Wisdom resides within all living beings, Compassion is our truest nature.
Spiritual 'Practice' is the path to uncovering our innate wisdom by settling
into present-time-awareness. Compassion will arise as we delve into
the heart of emotional intelligence and investigate our old conditioning.

The Buddha referred to his Awakening as having been "Against the Stream".
The Spiritual Path is one of revolutionary acts of non-violent rebellion against
greed, hatred
and delusion - both positive and negative forms of subversion
of the dominant paradigm - and elucidate the Buddhist path of wisdom and
compassion that leads to Freedom.

We offer an introduction and overview of the philosophy and practice of
the ancient teachings of the Buddha. All of the Buddhist world revolves
around the 'core teachings' of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.
Explore the teachings of the Buddha and how they can be applied to life in

modern society. Guided meditations will be offered - and at the end of the
course an optional ceremony of empowerment and refuge may be offered
for all who wish to continue to deepen their commitment to Awakening.
.Our meditation classes are intended for all levels of interest.Classes will explore Buddhist teachings on finding more inner freedom

and ease, even amidst turbulent times. Classes and retreats, appropriate
for new or more experienced meditators, will offer systematic instructions
in mindfulness meditation. The format will include silent and guided sitting
meditation, walking meditation, loving kindness meditation, dharma talks
and small group meetings with a teacher. We will build a deeper sense
of understanding and connection through dyads and small group sharing.
.Participants will be guided in integrating ancient Buddhist practices with
modern psychological and emotional exercises as an invitation to wholeness.
We will encourage and support a warm, wholehearted, embodied "mindfulness
practice" with instructions in sitting and walking, as well as loving-kindness
and forgiveness practices - highlighting a transforming-potential for how
to embody a wise, compassionate and easeful relationship to our lives.
.Make a radical change in your life by discovering what it means to be Truly Free.

~ Noah Levine, teacher/author of "Dharma Punx" and "Against the Stream".
." INNER-STILLNESS ITSELF ! . . is really
what Awakens Your Deep Radiant Heart
of Natural Grace, Compassion & Wisdom. "


PS: If you know someone else in your life who just may
also benefit by our offerings, be very welcome to put them
in phone contact with us. 310-450-2268 ~ Noon to 6 pm M/F

BUT - Please Ask Them to visit this Buddha-Blog FIRST Or email them this Link:

Then they can graze around this little site for themselves, as you probably did –
Either a casual perusal -or- a more focused-reading in here may make such
a big huge difference in the quality of the phone-conversation we have -
it can help raise the level of 'informed-decision' simply by the talk we
and your friend may have together ! We love to raise questions

and share responses. Reading this blog could enhance that...

Thanks ... and enjoy the rest of our Buddha-Blog . . .

